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At its meeting on April 17, the ICCUB Council, at the proposal of the representatives of the doctoral student collective, discussed the situation in Palestine and considered the possibility of making a statement on this issue. In order to more representatively gather the opinions of the institute members, the council decided to conduct an open consultation, which had a 31% participation rate. According to the results, which reflected a majority opinion in favor (87.7%), the following declaration was approved:

  1. The Council declares in favor of:

    • An immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

    • The unconditional delivery of sufficient humanitarian aid, including food, water, fuel, and medical supplies, ensuring it reaches all areas of Gaza.

    • The entry of independent international press into the Gaza Strip, with guaranteed security, to document the real situation on the ground.

    • The establishment of necessary mechanisms to ensure the protection of the Palestinian population in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), immediately for the 2.3 million civilians trapped under siege in Gaza.

    • The end of the siege, the end of the illegal blockade, and the prevention of ethnic cleansing in all OPT, including the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

  2. It recommends that ICCUB members do not normalize relations with universities, research institutes, companies, and any other Israeli institution with the aim of exerting pressure on the State of Israel until it stops attacks against the Palestinian people and ends the apartheid it is imposing, as was done with South Africa during the apartheid era.
  3. Proposes to the UB Senate to break all institutional or academic relations with universities, research institutes, companies, and any other Israeli institution following the criteria of the previous point.

  4. Requests the Institute’s management to ensure that ICCUB does not carry out any act or omission that could contribute to perpetuating or recognizing the illegal Israeli occupation of the OPT; the plundering, exploitation, destruction, and/or depletion of Palestinian wealth and natural resources, including land and water; the plundering, threat, and/or destruction of Palestinian historical, artistic, cultural, and scientific heritage.

  5. Encourages the collaboration of ICCUB and its members with Palestinian universities or research institutes to help keep the Palestinian university and research system alive and functional.

The Council presented this position at the extraordinary meeting of the UB Senate, held on May 8, through its director, Prof. Xavier Luri. At this meeting, it was approved to submit a motion of support for Palestine to the governing team and the Governing Council.

The Institute aspires to maintain a good atmosphere of coexistence among its members and visitors and will strive to foster spaces for respectful and enriching interaction for everyone.